Host:Lee Se-ryung played by Hong Soo-hyun measures everything in life by a single standard which is their economic value. But she happens to fall in love with someone who isn’t her type…
Now give me a big smile.
Caption:Hong Soo-hyun
Soo-hyun: My character has a very realistic view on life and she values economic worth above anything. It’s very comfortable to work on the drama and it’s a lot of fun.
Host: Thank you.
Caption: Hong Soo-hyun as ‘Lee Se-ryung’
Soo-hyun:Hi. I’m Hong Soo-hyun. It’s been a while and I’m back with MBC weekend drama ‘Mom.’ I play a character named ‘Lee Se-ryung.’My character has a realistic viewpoint on life and she obsesses over the economic value of everything. She falls in love with ‘Young-jae’ and interesting things happen in their married life. MBC weekend drama ‘Mom’ will start airing at 8:45 on Sept. 5. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you.
2016-10-30 ~ 2016-11-5
2016-10-30 ~ 2016-11-5
2016-11-7 ~ 2016-11-13