• News
  • 2013-10-02 15:27:17
another choice

Busker Busker's Second Album All the Rage this Fall

Busker Busker's second official album is looking to create a storm in the records market this fall.

According to Yes 24 (CEO Kim Ki-ho, www.yes24.com), Busker Busker's second album sold 2,800 copies on the day of its release, September 25. This is a record that surpasses Cho Yong-pil's nineteenth official album "Hello" that sold 2,000 copies upon release on April 23. Busker Busker's album exceeded 2,000 copies at 3PM, September 25. In short, almost 2 albums were sold every minute. As of September 26, 9AM, 5,300 copies have been sold on Yes 24 alone. 

Busker Busker started accepting reservations for their new album on September 10. During this period, their album was up against G-Dragon's second solo album and EXO's repackaged first album. Then a week prior to its release, Busker Busker's album surpassed its rivals to take the top of the chart. At the same time, their first album and wrap up album released in June last year climbed to second and fourth places.

"Busker Busker's first album is like spring, second album like fall," said Yes 24 K-pop MD Kim Hye-ran. "Their first album re-entered the charts in the spring of the following year. We are waiting to see if their second album will become the quintessential fall music this time."

What is notable about Busker Busker's second album is that it is equally loved by both men and women in their twenties and thirties. The ratio of men to women who have bought the album is 4.3:5.7. There is almost an equal distribution of buyers, with women in their twenties (21.4%) at the top, followed by women in their thirties (19.5%), men in their twenties (16.5%), and men in their thirties (16.2%).  


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